The library has private study rooms, meeting spaces, and open study areas as well as a computer lab and back building or annex that patrons can reserve for use. See the Library Policy Tab on the Information page for Meeting Room Rules
Call to reserve a space or be advised on which space is appropriate for your needs: 580-255-0636
Capcity: 10
Table & Chairs
For smaller groups and studying.
*Not a soundproof​ space
*Contents of room visible through windowed wall.
Capacity 8
Public Computers & Chairs
This room is for public use but can be reserved with permission for purposes such as testing, teaching, or other technology needs.
*Not a soundproof space.
*Contents of room visible through large window wall.
Capacity 8
Table, Chairs, Game systems.
Located in Teen Space.
Also the Teen Game Room.
Reservable for up to 2 hours.
Gaming use requires room to be checked out to user.
*Not a soundproof space.​
*Contents visible through large windows.
*Teens given priority for use.
Capacity 25
Folding Tables & Chairs, Refrigerator, Restroom access, Television. Open floor area allowing movement and activity.
*Requires approval by the Library Director or Children's Librarian
Capacity 14
Table, Chairs Phone, Lectern, Television.
Larger Groups, Lectures, Presentations, those needing technology provided in space or more privacy.
*Quietest space depending on the time of day. ​
*Contents of room only visible when doors are open.
Capacity 60
Folding Tables & Chairs, Refrigerator, Restroom access, Television. Open floor area allowing movement and activity.
*Requires approval by the Library Director
*Space includes computers that are not for public use in the Minecraft area.
The Library has many open areas available for working and studying. These are mostly first come, first serve and cannot be reserved with the exception of the Library Kitchen and Citizenship Corner, which are used for programming and can be reserved for use. These open spaces are the following:
Seating in Inspirationls on the first floor.
Couches, lounge chairs, and several study carrels near electrical outlets in Periodicals and Reference on the second floor (above circulation).
Study carrels with electrical outlets outside of the upstairs computer lab.
Seating in Audiobooks.
*Seating within YA Fiction.
*Teen Area study tables in YA Nonfiction.
*Study Table in Citizenship Corner in World Languages behind SciFi
*Library Kitchen on the second floor.
*See below for more information on these spaces​
​Designed for the comfort of teens by teens, we encourage those who do not fit the demographic to keep their time in this area brief.
Teen Area Study Table, YA Fiction Seating:
Exclusive to teens 12-18:
3:00 pm to close on normal weekdays.
All hours on Saturdays.
All day during official Duncan Public School breaks, including summer.
Capacity 10
This area contains a table and chairs.
This space is appropriate for small groups.
The Duncan Area Literacy Council gets priority over this space and reserves it several times a week for ESL and Citizenship programming.
To reserve this space, contact a staff member at the Circulation Desk 580-255-0636
Capacity 20
This area contains tables, chairs, a counter space, a refrigerator, and a sink.
This space is appropriate for meetings that have food and drink.
The Duncan Public Library has this space reserved during the school year from 2:00 to 5:00pm for a meals program and afterschool events and during the summer 26 from 10:00am to 1:00pm for meals and programming.
Reserve at Circulation or by calling 580-255-0636
Don't worry, the library provides FREE notarization services! Notaries are at both the Duncan Public Library and Genealogy Branch and one should be available when the libraries are open. You are welcome to call ahead to verify availability.
Be sure you have the following when in need of notary services:
Current state-issued Photo ID for all parties whose signature is required.
Unsigned documents (pre-signed documents will require more verification).
Other library staff are able to serve as witnesses if needed. Note that
the Genealogy Library may not have witnesses on hand.​
Printing & Copying Prices
​Black & White
8.5x11 = 10₵
8.5x14 = 10₵
11x17 = 25₵
8.5x11 = 50₵
8.5x14 = 50₵
11x17 = $1.50
Print at the library by logging into a patron computer and printing or by emailing the library with your documents attached:
Faxing at the library costs the following:
$1.00 for the first or only page
10₵ for every page after
10₵ for each page you receive via fax
Fax #: 580-255-6136
Do you need to have your documents turned into a PDF? Have you been asked to sign a form and email? Scanning at the library costs $2.00 per scan. A large number of pages may have to be split into several PDF documents in order to be emailed.
The Library can laminate your items up to 24 in. wide for a fee! Staff does all laminating on a schedule once every week.
Business card size (2.5 × 3.75) = 50¢
Letter size (8 ½ × 11) = $1.00
Larger = $1.00 per foot
Consent form and waiver for items to be laminated must be signed and payment given when items are left.​ Some items cannot be laminated such as legal documents and government-issued cards. More information on lamination policies, disclaimers, and consent form can be found in the Library Policy tab on the Information page.
Public Computers
There are
6 computers for public use downstairs
6 in the Computer Lab on the second floor and
1 College Corner computer in the Teen Space.
These computers require a Library Card # and four-digit PIN or a Guest Pass from the circulation desk to log in.
There are also
1 government computer in Adult Fiction and
2 children's computers in the Children's Library
These computers do not need a card or pass to log in.​
Public Wifi:
There are times you need more one-on-one time with a staff member who can walk you through questions with technology:
The Circulation Desk at DPL is also the Reference Desk. Circulation Staff will direct you to resources to find answers to your questions or connect you with other staff to help you with your information needs.
En Español
Tenemos personal que habla español con fluidez.
Interlibrary Loan ( or ILL) is a system that allows libraries to share their resources. If our collection does not include an item you are looking for, and you have an adult-type library account in good standing, you can submit an ILL form (online or in person at the circulation desk) for it. Certain items cannot be requested (new releases or those published within the last 6 months), but these items can be put on request to be considered for purchase for the library's collections.
A limit of 5 ILL requests can be made at one time.
Shipping Fees are split between the library and patron (each paying for it to be shipped one way).
The lending library can also assess any fees they wish for their items including fees for lost or damaged items.
​​The lending library can also set the terms for their items (length of time for the loan as well as whether or not patrons are allowed to take the items of our library's property
If an item is lost or damaged, we will also assess a processing fee of $20.00 for items still in print or $35.00 for items no longer in print.
Shipping fees are still expected for requested items that are not picked up from the library.
You will be asked to agree to all these terms before being allowed to use ILL
ILL privileges can be revoked for patrons whose behavior jeopardizes our standing with the libraries who choose to loan to us.