Online Resources & Databases
Searching for books with a corresponding Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360® quiz is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder®. Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile™ measure, interest level, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, award-winners, state lists, CCSS Exemplars, and more.
The Digital Prairie is a comprehensive digital repository that provides access to various collections and research tools, making it a valuable resource for both casual readers and researchers.
Elementary School Explora for schools and public libraries ensures that students, educators and library patrons can quickly find the reliable information they need to complete homework and research projects, deliver robust school curriculum, achieve their professional goals and satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
From Microsoft Office, to email, reading, math, and more— offers free learning resources on more than 200 topics, including more than 2,300 lessons and more than 2,000 videos, completely free. We all have outside responsibilities, so we make it easy for you to learn at your own pace, on your own time.
Desde Microsoft Office y el correo electrónico, hasta la lectura, las matemáticas y mucho más, te ofrece más de 100 cursos, 2.700 lecciones, 2.000 videos y 50 interactivos y juegos completamente gratis. Entendemos que tienes muchas responsabilidades externas, por eso queremos facilitarte el cumplimiento de tus compromisos, al mismo tiempo que fortaleces tus conocimientos.
Whether you’re driving a car, motorcycle, or commercial vehicle, knowing the road rules like the back of your hand is crucial. To prepare, review everything you need for the SOK (DPS) written tests for your learner’s permit or driver’s license. We have you covered with test questions almost identical to the real thing.
Middle School Explora for schools and public libraries ensures that students, educators and library patrons can quickly find the reliable information they need to complete homework and research projects, deliver robust school curriculum, achieve their professional goals and satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
ProQuest access to Cornonavirus Research Database and Publicly Available Content Database for academic or other research.
HelpNOW is an educational resource to help build skills, study better, collaborate with others, and get real-time tutoring
EBSCOhost offers high-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers recognized by library professionals, chosen to meet the specific needs of researchers.
High School Explora for schools and public libraries ensures that students, educators and library patrons can quickly find the reliable information they need to complete homework and research projects, deliver robust school curriculum, achieve their professional goals and satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
In HeritageHub, you will find obituaries and death notices published in newspapers dating back to 1704; funeral home notices dating back to 2019; and Social Security Death Index (SSDI) records, which mostly cover the period between 1935 and 2014.
Literature Study Guides Discover in-depth literary analysis via study guides, infographics, and essays for all your favorite books.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia accessible online through the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and EBSCO
Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.
UniversalClass offers hundreds of online CE classes. Our courses are not just tutorials; they are real. They include lessons, exams, assignments, discussion boards and actual assessments of your progress. Entendemos que tienes muchas responsabilidades externas, por eso queremos facilitarte el cumplimiento de tus compromisos, al mismo tiempo que fortaleces tus conocimientos.
You may need your library card number to access these databases when away from the library.